Transformative Holistic Therapy: Understanding Somatic & Dance/Movement Therapy

Katie Bellamy, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor & Dance/Movement Therapist

Holistic approaches to therapy have gained significant attention in recent years. Somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy stand out as transformative practices that promote healing by integrating the mind, body, and spirit.

With the advent of telehealth, these therapies have become more accessible than ever, offering individuals the opportunity to explore healing from the comfort of their own space.

At Bellamy & Associates, we embrace these powerful modalities, offering virtual sessions that incorporate somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy, tailored to suit individual needs.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach that emphasizes the mind-body connection. It delves into the body's physical sensations, movements, and experiences to address emotional and psychological distress.

This therapy recognizes that our bodies hold and manifest emotional experiences and traumas. By incorporating various techniques such as breathwork, mindfulness, body awareness, repatterining, and creative movement, somatic therapy encourages clients to explore and release tension, stress, trauma, and emotions held within the body.

Why Somatic Therapy is Beneficial

The benefits of somatic therapy are vast. It allows individuals to access and process deeply held emotions, reduce stress, and develop self-awareness. This approach aids in healing trauma, addressing anxiety, depression, and various other mental health conditions. Somatic therapy fosters resilience, increases self-regulation, and improves overall well-being.

Dance/Movement Therapy: Healing Through Motion

Dance/movement therapy is a creative and expressive form of therapy that utilizes movement and dance to enhance emotional, social, cognitive, and physical integration. Through guided sessions, individuals explore movement patterns, gestures, and expressive dance to gain insight into their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This therapeutic modality allows for self-expression and personal transformation, irrespective of dance skill or experience.

Benefits of Dance/Movement Therapy

The benefits of dance/movement therapy are extensive. It can enhance self-esteem, boost self-expression, and improve body image. It fosters creativity, aids in communication, and supports emotional release. Additionally, this therapy encourages a sense of empowerment, relaxation, and overall mental and physical well-being.

Overall Benefits of Somatic and Dance/Movement Therapy

  • Holistic Healing: Acknowledging the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit

  • Stress Reduction: Promoting relaxation and easing accumulated tension

  • Emotional Release: Facilitating the release of trapped emotions and trauma stored in the body

  • Improved Self-Awareness: Enhancing self-awareness for personal growth and empowerment

  • Nervous System Regulation and Polyvagal Theory: Managing stress responses and achieving a state of calm

Who Can Benefit from These Therapies?

  • Individuals dealing with trauma, anxiety, or stress-related disorders

  • Those seeking self-discovery and personal growth

  • People looking for alternative therapeutic methods

  • Anyone interested in exploring mind-body connections and holistic wellness

Somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy are versatile and beneficial for various individuals. They can aid those struggling with trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, and other mental health challenges. Additionally, individuals seeking personal growth, emotional exploration, and self-awareness can benefit from these modalities.

Polyvagal Theory & Nervous System Regulation

Central to somatic therapy is the Polyvagal Theory, a concept developed by Dr. Stephen Porges. This theory emphasizes the autonomic nervous system's role in our responses to stress and trauma. It delineates how the vagus nerve regulates our physiological state and social engagement. Understanding this theory aids in nervous system regulation, leading to enhanced self-regulation and improved overall well-being.

Myths and Facts about Somatic and Dance/Movement Therapy

Myth 1: Somatic therapy is just about physical exercise

Fact: While movement is an integral part of somatic therapy, it's not solely about physical exercise. Somatic therapy encompasses a holistic approach that integrates the mind, body, and emotions. It emphasizes exploring bodily sensations, emotions, and movements to address psychological distress and trauma.

Myth 2: Dance/Movement therapy is only for professional dancers

Fact: Dance/movement therapy is not exclusive to professional dancers. It is a therapeutic practice that uses movement and dance for emotional expression and healing. Individuals of all movement abilities can benefit, as it's about the exploration of movement and expression to understand emotions, not about technical dance skills.

Myth 3: Somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy are only for young people

Fact: These therapies are suitable for individuals of all ages. They cater to the unique needs of each person, whether they're children, adolescents, adults, or the elderly. These therapies adapt to diverse age groups, offering healing and growth opportunities to everyone.

Myth 4: Somatic therapy doesn’t have scientific grounding

Fact: Somatic therapy draws from established scientific principles related to the mind-body connection and the impact of trauma on the body. It integrates neurobiology, psychology, and body-oriented approaches, backed by research that supports its efficacy in trauma healing and emotional regulation.

Myth 5: Dance/Movement therapy is only for those who can express themselves through movement

Fact: Dance/movement therapy is designed to facilitate expression for individuals who might find it challenging to express emotions verbally. Therapists guide clients through movement explorations, offering various tools and approaches to aid in self-expression and healing. It’s oftentimes those most resistant to somatic healing who can benefit the most.

Myth 6: Somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy are not effective through telehealth

Fact: Both somatic and dance/movement therapies have seamlessly transitioned into telehealth. Therapists adapt sessions to suit virtual platforms, maintaining the effectiveness of these therapies. Clients can explore and address emotions and movements effectively from the comfort of their own space.

Myth 7: These therapies are only for addressing mental health issues

Fact: While somatic and dance/movement therapies do aid in mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, and trauma, they are not limited to treating such issues. These therapies are versatile and cater to anyone seeking personal growth, emotional exploration, or improved mind-body connections.

Myth 8: Somatic and dance/movement therapies require previous experience or knowledge

Fact: No prior experience or knowledge is necessary to benefit from these therapies. Therapists guide individuals through sessions, tailored to the individual's comfort level, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for exploration and healing.

Separating myths from facts is crucial in understanding the true potential of somatic and dance/movement therapies, dispelling misconceptions and encouraging individuals to explore these transformative modalities for holistic healing.

Myth 9: Somatic and dance/movement therapies don’t include any verbal processing

Fact: These therapies are a “bottom-up” approach to healing, meaning while the emphasis is on trusting and exploring the body’s wisdom and needs, there can still be verbal and intellectual integration of the sessions. Sometimes somatic and dance/movement therapy is mostly nonverbal and other times sessions include a lot of discussion, education, and integration.

Offering Virtual Somatic Therapy Sessions on a Sliding Scale

At Bellamy & Associates, we understand the importance of accessibility to holistic therapies. Our practice offers virtual somatic therapy sessions, ensuring individuals can access these transformative modalities from anywhere. Moreover, we provide sliding scale/low-fee rates with our Masters Level Clinician, Hannah Grove, ensuring that financial constraints do not impede an individual's healing journey.

Somatic therapy and dance/movement therapy are powerful tools for holistic healing. Embracing the mind-body connection, these therapies offer transformative benefits to individuals seeking mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Through virtual sessions at Bellamy & Associates, we aim to make these therapies accessible to all, fostering personal growth and healing. Contact us today to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation call.


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