Relationship Green Flags: Qualities of Healthy Connections  

Allison Osmer, Masters Level Clinician

In our current culture, especially online, there are many discussions about red flags in relationships. Red flags serve as warning signs that a relationship may not be healthy or may have underlying issues that need to be addressed. Some examples of red flags in relationships include a lack of communication, jealousy, possessiveness, disrespect, manipulative behaviors, unresolved conflict, and others.

However, among our awareness of these warning signs in relationships, it’s equally important to recognize the signs that a relationship is healthy. Green flags in relationships are precisely that, positive signs that indicate a healthy relationship with another person. While no relationship is perfect, a foundation of safety, trust, and mutual respect usually indicates a strong foundation. Some examples of green flags in a relationship are:

Having a felt sense of safety

At the core of every healthy relationship lies a feeling of safety. This entails not only physical safety but also emotional security. A felt sense of safety typically involves respecting each other’s boundaries and creating an environment where both parties feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or harm.

Trust and Reliability

Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. It’s about having confidence in each other's words and actions. Reliable behavior, such as keeping promises, honoring commitments, and being transparent, promotes trust and strengthens the bond between individuals.

Mutual respect

Respect forms the basis of healthy interactions. It entails valuing each other’s opinions, boundaries, and autonomy. In a respectful relationship, there is a genuine appreciation for the other person's individuality, and efforts are made to communicate and act in ways that honor and uplift each other.

Emotional Intimacy

True intimacy goes beyond physical closeness; it involves sharing one’s deepest thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with another person. Emotional intimacy fosters a deep connection and understanding between individuals, creating a sense of closeness and trust that enhances the relationship. 

Healthy Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but how it is managed can make all the difference. Healthy conflict resolution involves open communication, active listening, and respectful negotiation. It's about addressing disagreements constructively, finding common ground, and working together to strengthen the relationship.

Shared Goals and Values  

Having shared goals and values creates alignment and cohesion in relationships. When individuals share common aspirations and beliefs, it can create a sense of unity and purpose, allowing individuals in the relationship to support and motivate each other.

Healthy Interdependence

Interdependence in a relationship refers to a balanced and mutually beneficial dynamic where individuals rely on each other while maintaining their own identities and independence. Unlike codependence, where one partner may rely excessively on the other for their sense of self-worth, or complete independence, where individuals do not rely on others for any support, interdependence emphasizes healthy reliance and support between people.

Prioritizing the Relationship

For a relationship to survive, it requires ongoing effort and investment. Taking time to connect, express appreciation, and resolve issues proactively often indicates that the relationship is meaningful and is a priority.

Recognizing green flags can help us identify and nurture healthy relationships. Developing these supportive relationships not only brings feelings of connection and fulfillment into our lives, but also can contribute to our overall well-being. Whether with friends or partners, cultivating these bonds improves our sense of belonging and can deepen our emotional satisfaction.


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